Food Stamp Usage Drops over Half Million in a Single Month

Food Stamp Usage Drops over Half-Million in a Single Month

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More than half a million people dropped off the food stamp rolls in a single month, according to the latest figures from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The USDA data reveals that a total of 587,792 people discontinued their participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) between December 2017 and January 2018.

The latest numbers show that on the whole, food stamp enrollment has been on a steady decline for the first quarter of fiscal year (FY) 2018, which began in October 2017.

Here is the breakdown of how many people dropped off the food stamp rolls each month of the fiscal year (FY) 2018:

October to November- 4,008,165
November to December- 329,584
December to January- 587,792
Although enrollment in SNAP sharply increased by more than 3 million during the first month of the fiscal year (FY) 2018 (October 2017) due to temporary SNAP enrollment in hurricane-affected states, it dropped by more than 4 million the following month.

The decline came as states curtailed their temporary SNAP benefits in the months following Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

President Trump mentioned in 2017 that he wanted to make it a priority to keep SNAP program costs down at the state and federal levels, which if implemented, could cause enrollment to decline even more this year as the administration releases its plans to reform the federal welfare system.

While efforts to curb food stamp enrollment at the state level and get people back into the workforce have been underway over the past few years, the federal government has been trying to take those state-level reforms nationwide.
The Trump administration released an executive order on welfare reform this week that would require agencies such as the Department of Agriculture to issue updated rules for those receiving benefits.

The executive order would direct agencies to issue stricter requirements for those receiving benefits—such as limiting the amount of time people receive benefits without working—and invest in more federal programs that would enable welfare recipients to get back into the workforce.

“Since its inception, the welfare system has grown into a large bureaucracy that might be susceptible to measuring success by how many people are enrolled in a program rather than by how many have moved from poverty into financial independence,” the executive order states.

The Department of Agriculture has also been trying to ramp up its efforts to reform the federal welfare system over the past few months.

The agency proposed a “Blue Apron-style” food stamp program in February that would deliver shelf-stable food—such as cereal boxes, pasta, and canned produce—to food stamp recipients once a month.

The “Harvest Boxes” would make up half of recipients’ allotted benefits for the month while the other half would consist of SNAP benefits on electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards. The agency clarified that states in charge of delivering the boxes would take recipients’ dietary and religious preferences into account when selecting the type of food for the boxes.

Union Loving Democrats Rush to Ki ll Union Trying to Organize Political Campaign Staffers

Union-Loving Democrats Rush to Ki.ll Union Trying to Organize Political Campaign Staffers

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Democrats claim to love unions, but many are now working to kill a new plan to unionize campaign volunteers before it even gets off the drawing board, NBC News reports.

In an April 15 article provocatively entitled, “Democrats love unions. Just not for their own campaign workers,” NBC slams liberals who espouse their love of unions even as they work to quash an effort to force political campaigns to pay a “living wage” to campaign workers. It would be a move that would add millions to the costs of running for office and bring even more money — not less — into politics.

For the most part, campaign staffers work for little to no compensation. Most volunteer their time to get their favorite candidate into office and their work is generally considered all “for the cause.”

But now a new group calling itself the Campaign Workers Guild (CWG) is attempting to establish itself as the guiding organizer for campaign workers.

According to the erstwhile new union’s website, the CWG wants to “improve working conditions” for campaign workers.

We are campaign workers from across the United States who are committed to improving our work conditions, empowering organizers, and promoting healthy career longevity. We regularly work more than ten hours a day, seven days a week for low pay, often without health coverage. We usually don’t get sick days, much less a day off — and we’re fed up.

To be clear, we are done with candidates disrespecting the workers who put them in office. We are improving pay, creating processes to prevent and report sexual harassment, and fighting for the basic labor protections that all workers deserve.

Only when our work is fairly compensated, our experience properly valued, and our rights adequately protected will our mission be complete.

But according to NBC, Democrat candidates are not looking with much enthusiasm on the new venture despite the general claim by Democrats that unions are an important part of our national economy.

“While the CWG declined to say how many campaigns they’ve tried to unionize or discuss ongoing efforts,” NBC reported, “they acknowledged encountering resistance from progressive candidates and organizations.”

NBC also noted that the Democrat Party in Washington DC has remained silent on the unionization effort.

Thus far, the only national figure to comment, Rep. Keith Ellison (D, MN), the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, did so only obliquely saying that Democrats should “live up to” their progressive “values.”
Interestingly, NBC also found that even as the Democrat National Committee recently began paying its interns, it is Republicans who are far more likely to pay interns than Democrats.

Despite the general reticence on the matter, NBC said that at least two state Democrat parties have unionized their staffers:

“We consider unionizing our staff to be practicing what we preach,” said Conor Casey, the executive director of the Vermont Democratic Party, which unionized late last year. “How could we fight for universal healthcare and a livable wage if we’re denying our own employees the right to organize?”

Vermont was the first state party in the country to unionize, and was quickly followed Idaho, though the efforts were separate and each party is affiliated with a different union.

“By professionalizing our teams and rewarding longevity, we hope to keep a seasoned staff with several election cycles under their belts,” Casey said.

NBC went on to praise the efforts of unions to “reach beyond their traditional industries.”

What NBC did not note with its sunny reporting on the “growth” of unions outside traditional industries is that unions are still declining overall, not growing.

Not long ago, Forbes noted that “In 2013 the unionized workforce in America hit a 97 year low. Only 11.3% of all workers were unionized.” And by 2016 that number had fallen to 6.4 percent, according to America magazine.

Indeed, the decline in unionism may have contributed to Donald Trump’s narrow win in some formerly deep blue states that once had a heavy union presence. According to the Daily Signal, the relative weakness of unions allowed many union members to vote their consciences for Trump instead of being browbeaten into supporting Hillary to please union bosses.

Still, a representative of the new effort to organize campaign workers insists that if a candidate can’t pay staffers a “living wage,” then he shouldn’t be a candidate at all.

Judge Nap Breaks Down How Clintons, FISA and the FBI Are Going To Come Crashing Down

Judge Nap Breaks Down How Clintons, FISA and the FBI Are Going To Come Crashing Down

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Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano broke down the upcoming investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the FBI and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday. He expects subpoenas to start flying.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced John Huber, the U.S. attorney in Utah, will be investigating Clinton along with the FBI and the Department of Justice for their role in spying on then-Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump during the 2016 election.

“The attorney general appoints the chief federal prosecutor for Utah to investigate three things,” Napolitano said.

“The exoneration of Mrs. Clinton before all the evidence was in. The exoneration of President Clinton and Secretary Clinton on Uranium One before all the evidence was in and the abuse of FISA by the FBI and the DOJ.”
See the interview on Fox News below:

Napolitano called Huber a “de facto special counsel” and expects him to convene a grand jury to begin issuing subpoenas.

“So this guy is in Utah. If he comes to Washington, D.C., and gets a half-dozen federal prosecutors assigned to him and a dozen or so FBI agents assigned to you him — He is a de facto special counsel. He’s doing what needs to be done,” Napolitano said.

“He’ll impanel a grand jury. They’ll present evidence to the grand jury. The grand jury will issue subpoenas. If the subpoenas don’t work, he’ll go to a federal judge and get a search warrant.”

“That’s the way it’s supposed to work.”

Napolitano thinks Huber must make the trip the D.C. to be effective, because his power would be limited if he remains in Utah.

“If he stays in Utah. He cannot impanel a grand jury in Utah to examine something that happened in D.C.,” Napolitano said.

“All the evidence is in D.C. You’re examining NSA, FBI, DOJ, present and past. The Utah grand jury does not have jurisdiction over events in D.C.”

“He will be toothless if he stays in Utah,” Napolitano concluded.

“I’ve never heard of an effective criminal prosecution without a grand jury. You present evidence to the grand jury. You get the grand jury to issue a subpoena.”

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BREAKING News Out Of MONTANA… Here’s What We Know

BREAKING News Out Of MONTANA… Here’s What We Know

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QUESTION- Would you let a METH HEAD babysit your infant or young child? HELL NO!

But that is exactly what happened at a Montana day care center.

Fox News reports that that Autumn Sienna Heinz, 30, faces charges of endangering the welfare of a child, criminal possession of dangerous drugs and criminal mischief.
The suspect is accused of smoking the drugs in a “drug den” hidden beneath a cabinet in the laundry room in the YMCA Learning Center day car building, KRTV reported.

Police said it was locked from the inside so nobody could get in. Authorities found a glass pipe with what appeared to be meth residue and a plastic tube full of white crystals, which tested positive for meth.

The meth fumes permeated the entire building and every room tested positive for meth, including the infant room.

A vent fan in the bathroom was used to try to hide the smell of the smoke, according to police
Heinz had been a full-time employee for three years and worked in the infant area.

She was jailed under a $30,000 bond and told police she had a history of drug use including heroin and opioid pills, according to KTVQ.

Water Rights, Inc. a company that does meth testing, responded to the YMCA Learning Center this week.

The tests were positive for meth within the cabinet and a vent fan in the bathroom, used by people to exhale to try to avoid detection of the odor of the drug being smoked.

Because this was done, the meth fumes appear to have permeated the whole Learning Center. The tests show all of the rooms in the facility had tested positive for meth, including the infant room.

Based on preliminary estimates the cleanup for meth contamination could be more than $80,000.

Enjoy prison tweeker.

EXCLUSIVE–Nashville Carol Swain Runs Against Left’s Plan to Fundamentally Change American Cities

EXCLUSIVE–Nashville Carol Swain Runs Against Left’s Plan to Fundamentally Change American Cities

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Even in Nashville, Tennessee, Professor Carol M. Swain, Ph.D. is an unconventional candidate for Mayor, but the political Left’s fight to turn her city into an unrecognizable region where the needs of the well-connected are put ahead of the needs of city residents has propelled her on a path she never thought she’d take.

Swain’s personal story is one that quite literally exemplifies the American dream. She grew up in southwestern Virginia, living in extreme poverty with her mother, stepfather, and 11 other siblings.

A short documentary on Swain’s life tells the story most accurately, wherein an education changed her life’s trajectory forever.

“I’m a first generation college student,” Swain told me. “My mother had a 10th grade education and my father had a 3rd grade education.”

Swain was such a trailblazer of her time that when she wanted an academic scholarship, but was told that as a black woman it would not be possible, she set out to start her own.

“I thought I’d start one,” Swain said in our conversation.

She went to a wealthy black man in the area and simply asked him to help her start her own academic scholarship program for black students. Swain proudly relayed that the academic scholarship she started continues to reward eight to nine minority students every year.

That’s the type of woman Swain has always seen herself to be. Not a politician, but a rule changer, a change maker, a go-getter.

“I’ve always been an activist at spirit. I’m just wired that way,” Swain said.

So why a run for mayor of Nashville? Like her academic career and her journey through life thus far, Swain says she is not going to wait around for others to protect her city from a Democrat-led agenda that has made housing unaffordable for the working and middle class and is now attempting to put a billion-dollar transit plan in place.

Instead, like her fight to get herself out of poverty, Swain is stepping up to the plate.

For more than a couple decades, cities across America, including Nashville, have undergone rapid transformation at the hands of Democrat leadership who are often aligned with wealthy real estate developers, the political establishment, donors, and big business.

From New York to Los Angeles to New Orleans, the working and middle class communities that once were able to live in the cities they work in have been pushed out to the neighboring suburbs. Nashville, Swain says, is no different.

“People want to retain some of the character of old Nashville,” Swain said. “The Democrats are creating a city that the 1% will control and everyone else will have to live in the suburbs and have to drive into work.”

“Nashville needs some practical, common sense governance,” Swain continued. “No matter what the Democrats say, everything they’ve done says that they really don’t care about the people they purport to care about.”

Last year, Nashville experienced its second-highest murder rate in the city’s history, a sympton of Democrat leadership that is not concerned with its residents, but rather its donors. Meanwhile, property prices are through the roof and not slated to get better any time soon.

“It’s not a vision that the citizens want,” Swain said of the current direction of Nashville. “It’s what the developers and bankers want.”

Swain says between crime and unaffordable housing, Nashville — like so many American cities — has become a less attractive place to live.

“Cities run by Democrats have corruption, violent crime, and [are] unaffordable,” Swain said. “That’s what’s happening to Nashville. It’s not too late to turn it around.”

Swain’s vision? Nashville First.

“I want to give the city some tender love and care,” Swain said. “Focus on the citizens of Nashville. Find them affordable housing, to see if we can make the city affordable for people working in the city.”

Swain’s fight for Nashville is not one isolated to Nashville. It’s a broader fight for American cities that have had to endure rapid mass immigration, increasing housing costs, crime, and sanctuary city policies – all at the hands of wealthy, well-connected power players.

Along the way, Swain is optimistic that the fight for America’s cities won’t stop with her.

“I’m hoping there will be a lot of other people that will follow my example,” Swain says.