Trump Just Signed The 1 Executive Order Liberals Have Feared Since His Election

Trump Just Signed The 1 Executive Order Liberals Have Feared Since His Election

With everyone focused on an attention-seeking adult film star and a disgraced former FBI director, President Donald Trump just signed the one executive order that liberals have feared since the day he was elected. You’re going to love this.

With the American sheeple foaming at the mouth over Stormy Daniels and James Comey, President Donald Trump just reformed welfare. He has signed an executive order to reduce poverty in America “by promoting opportunity and economic mobility” and aims to do so by addressing “the challenges of populations that may particularly struggle to find and maintain employment (including single parents, formerly incarcerated individuals, the homeless, substance abusers, individuals with disabilities and disconnected youth).”

“While bipartisan welfare reform enacted in 1996 was a step toward eliminating the economic stagnation and social harm that can result from long-term Government dependence, the welfare system still traps many recipients, especially children, in poverty and is in need of further reform and modernization in order to increase self-sufficiency, well-being, and economic mobility,” states the Executive Order Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility.

Indeed, President Bill Clinton’s welfare reform act of 1996, which he negotiated with then-Speaker Newt Gingrich, was a substantial step in the right direction. At the time, the left claimed that people would starve. They didn’t. Instead, many able-bodied individuals who once relied on a government check found jobs and started earning a paycheck.

Between 1996 and 2000, the employment rate for single mothers increased from 63 percent to 76 percent, according to the nonpartisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. In addition, Fox News reports that the overall poverty rate has declined over the last half-century.
However, there is still work to be done, and President Donald Trump is diligently fulfilling one of his key campaign promises; namely, to reform a welfare system which too often rewards laziness and perpetuates the cycle of government dependence which leads to generational poverty.

The press release for the president’s new executive orders states that, in 2017, “the Federal Government spent more than $700 billion on low-income assistance.” It notes that since modern welfare began, during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt, the system has become a large bureaucracy with little incentive for people to look for work. His order aims to fix that.
Trump is already making headway with unemployment numbers the lowest they’ve been in 17 years — most notably among black Americans — and food stamp participation plummeting:

The number of food stamp dependent Americans hit a six-year low in President Donald Trump’s first year in office, reflecting an improving economy and falling unemployment, according to a U.S. Agriculture Department (USDA) report.

An average of 42.2 million Americans participated in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) program in 2017, which is an 11 percent decrease from 2013, when a record number of people used food stamps, according to USDA.

“Federal spending for SNAP totaled $68.0 billion or 4 percent less than in the previous fiscal year,” USDA reported. “This was also 15 percent less than the historical high of $79.9 billion set in FY 2013.” [Source: The Daily Caller]

Conservatives measure success not by how many people receive government assistance, but by how many don’t. This is one of the key differences between those on the right and their leftist counterparts. Democrats have labeled themselves the “Party of the People,” mainly by giving away “free stuff” in exchange for votes.Republicans, however, know that none of these handouts are actually “free.” Someone is paying for them and that “someone” happens to be the hard-working American citizen who would rather put in a ten-hour day at the factory than live on the dole. Moreover, conservatives realize that helping people become independent of the government is real compassion. By contrast, ensuring that entire demographics are beholden to a certain political party for their welfare checks is modern day slavery.

Attorney/Client Privilege | Mike Cernovich on InfoWars

Attorney/Client Privilege | Mike Cernovich on InfoWars

Great discussion on attorney/client privilege with Mike Cernovich and Owen Schroyer on InfoWars this afternoon…

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Deep State Livid After Trump Hating Andrew McCabe Gets Very Bad News From DOJ

Deep State Livid After Trump-Hating Andrew McCabe Gets Very Bad News From DOJ

The deep state is livid after Trump-hating former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe just got some very bad news from the Department of Justice. You don’t want to miss this.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has been in hot water for a while, and things just took a turn for the worse. According to Fox News, Inspector General Michael Horowitz has sent a criminal referral for McCabe to the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, April 19, 2018.

The criminal referral follows a recent report generated by the Department of Justice Inspector General that discovered McCabe had leaked a self-serving story to the press. During an interview with federal investigators, McCabe reportedly lied about leaking the information to the press which led Attorney General Jeff Sessions to fire him on March 16, 2018.
According to The Washington Post, the Inspector General’s office sent their findings, indicating that McCabe lied to investigators, to the U.S. attorney’s office in D.C. to decide whether or not McCabe should be charged with a criminal offense.

Despite attempts by the media to obtain a statement, representatives from the DOJ, Inspector General’s office, and U.S. attorney’s office all declined to provide information on the matter. However, an announcement from Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) on Twitter sent a shockwave over social media on Wednesday.

“Andrew McCabe lied to his FBI superiors not once. Not twice. Not three times. He lied four times–multiple times under oath. The criminal referral from the IG is the right decision. It’s about time we have some accountability for this type of conduct at the Justice Department,” Meadows wrote.
Interestingly, former FBI Director James Comey weighed in on the matter Wednesday and admitted it was he who prompted the investigation. Comey commented on McCabe’s predicament during an appearance on ABC’s “The View,” after being questioned on how the public was supposed to have confidence in the FBI since it was revealed that McCabe had lied.

“It’s not okay. The McCabe case illustrates what an organization committed to the truth looks like,” Comey said. “I ordered that investigation,” he added. In an attempt to not completely throw his former subordinate under the bus, Comey said, “Good people lie. I think I’m a good person, where I have lied. I still believe Andrew McCabe is a good person, but the inspector general found he lied.”

Comey also talked about the fact that there are “severe consequences” within the Justice Department and the FBI for those who are caught lying. While the former FBI Director may have not purposefully started the investigation which took McCabe down, it was spurred by a need to find who leaked to The Wall Stree Journal in October 2016 in regard to an FBI probe of the Clinton Foundation.
McCabe’s leak resulted in a story that claimed a senior Justice Department official communicated displeasure to him that FBI agents were continuing to look into the Clinton Foundation. In the same story, McCabe was portrayed as somewhat of a hero for having defended his agency’s authority to look into the Clinton Foundation. Many see what McCabe did as a press operation to make himself look better.

Comey, who was still the FBI Director at the time, was reportedly displeased over the story because it confirmed the existence of the investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Prior to McCabe’s leak, Comey had refused to confirm that investigation.
The honest truth here is that James Comey and Andrew McCabe have done their fair share of politicizing their former positions of power within the FBI. McCabe is just the first one facing the music.

The report from the Inspector General said that McCabe authorized the leak, then lied to investigators about it. In addition, the report said that McCabe leaked in a way that did not fall under the “public interest” exception. In my opinion, McCabe’s leak falls into the “self-serving” category, and he should face the same consequences anyone else would for lying to federal investigators.

Brannon Howse – 04/18/2018 – Oppression of Christian Media

Brannon Howse made headlines last week when his conferences were shut down due to antifi and CAIR protesters. We discuss the future of these gatherings and how to defend against these attacks.

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