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Bartiromo Skewers Comey on Memo-Taking – Why None About Hillary?
Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo had one simple question for former FBI Director James Comey: Why are there no Hillary Clinton memos?
During his interview with ABC News host George Stephanopoulos, which aired on Sunday night, Comey described President Donald Trump as “morally unfit” to be president.
Last June in testimony before Congress, the former FBI chief admitted to leaking memos that he stated were written contemporaneously following meetings with Trump, both before the 45th president took office and after.
Comey testified that he passed the memos on to a professor friend with instructions to gives them to a New York Times reporter in the hope that the documents would result in the appointment of a special counsel.
“Why did Jim Comey take so many memos about President Trump, then president-elect or candidate Trump and no memos about Hillary Clinton? Is that extraordinary?” Bartiromo asked Sunday on Fox News.
She also felt it was extraordinary that a Times reporter was made privy to the contents of the memos, but despite numerous requests, the Department of Justice still has not turned them over to Congress.
“The question is what are you hiding FBI, DOJ?” Bartiromo asked.
One perhaps revelatory moment in Comey’s interview was when the fired FBI director stated that his wife and daughters voted for Clinton and participated in the Women’s March the day after Trump’s inauguration.
“I wanted a woman president really badly,” Patrice Comey told ABC News. “I supported Hillary Clinton. A lot of my friends worked for her, and I was devastated when she lost.”
Did James Comey’s family have sway over him regarding the Clinton investigation?
While Comey wrote no Clinton memos that have been made public — at least akin to those he drafted about Trump — the then-director did write a memo exonerating her of wrongdoing in relation to the former secretary of state’s use of a private, unsecured and unauthorized email server.
He reportedly drafted the document two months before FBI investigators interviewed her in the criminal probe regarding the server and it containing, contrary to Clinton’s repeated assurances otherwise, classified information.
Three days after the interview, Comey took the very unusual step of calling a news conference to communicate that the FBI would not recommend filing criminal charges against Clinton, adding no prosecutor could reasonably bring charges based on the evidence.
Further, Comey wrote in his new memoir “A Higher Loyalty” he informed Congress on Oct. 28, 2016, days before the election, that he was reopening the email server investigation because he wanted to protect the legitimacy of her presidency, when she won.
“I was making decisions in an environment where Hillary Clinton was sure to be the next president,” he explained, adding that “my concern about making her an illegitimate president by concealing the restarted investigation bore greater weight than it would have if the election appeared closer or if Donald Trump were ahead in all polls.”
On Monday, Trump highlighted these facts in a tweet.
“Comey drafted the Crooked Hillary exoneration long before he talked to her (lied in Congress to Senator [Chuck Grassley]), then based his decisions on her poll numbers. Disgruntled, he, McCabe, and the others, committed many crimes!”
President Trump Kicks Off 2020 Campaign With Heart-Stopping Welfare Announcement
The War on Poverty has been going on for over fifty years, and often it seems like poverty is winning.
Some people say the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.
Big government programs haven’t cured poverty; in fact, some argue, they’ve just made the problem worse. Isn’t it time we tried something different?
The ultimate goal of any welfare program should be to get people off of it.
But too often people become ensnared by dependency and lose the motivation to work for themselves when they can mooch off of those that do.
President Trump has always understood this, and has been instrumental in creating thousands of jobs that are allowing people to come off of welfare in astonishing numbers.
Trump isn’t even halfway through his first term and is already preparing for his next, by announcing just how successful his administration has been in curbing those on government dependency.
From Breitbart:
“President Trump’s re-election campaign released a statement Monday celebrating the decline of nearly 600,000 people using food stamps in one month.The campaign credited the data to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the government agency responsible for administering food stamp benefits through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).”
This news is sure to crush the leftists, who want people dependent on welfare so that they’ll keep voting in Democrats who will provide it.
The campaign went on to criticize Trump’s predecessor, stating that, “food stamp enrollment dramatically increased throughout the Obama administration.”
But, “the news from the USDA today demonstrates that President Trump’s economic policies are bringing hard-working Americans back into the workforce…”
This welfare reduction is also due in part to America’s crackdown on those who are able-bodied but are still attempting to get a free ride.
Last month we reported on how West Virginia voted on a measure that would require residents ages 18-49, who are not disabled, pregnant, or military veterans, and do not have dependent children, to work a minimum of 20 hours per week to receive food stamp benefits.
Now all Trump has to do is finish completing the wall, and we will take millions more off the taxpayer dole.
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After Trump Turns Up The Heat On California, Jerry Brown Caves To His Demand
President Trump will accomplish his goals for America, come hell or high water.
His opponents clearly underestimate him, as they do the American people. They might complain or posture, but Trump’s going to make America great again.
We’ve seen it many times already. Even with less than two years into his first term, Trump has won again and again. We are seeing things happen few people could have predicted.
And what about his rivals’ attacks? They fail time and again. From Clinton to Obama to Comey to Stormy, the con artists that try to defeat Trump all fall by the wayside.
Take another Trump opponent. Governor of California, Jerry Brown, has been very vocal about Trump’s presidency. He has promised to oppose the POTUS every chance he gets. Even if that means putting Americans at risk.
But now it seems Brown has no other choice but to concede to Trump’s demands. In fact, he’s going to help secure the border. Imagine that.
From The Right Scoop:
Jerry Brown, the horrid governor of beautiful California, said that he will kneel before President Trump and utter passively, “what can Brown do for you?” after fruitlessly trying to resist MAGA.
California Governor Jerry Brown has announced that 400 California National Guard troops will be mobilized to fight gangs, human traffickers and illegal firearm and drug smugglers in the state, on the coast and at the border.
Why it matters: The troops will not enforce immigration laws or help build new border barriers. California and the Trump administration have been at a standoff recently, with California demanding that DHS and DOD sign the governor’s agreement memo limiting what the National Guard can be used for before deploying troops. Neither agency has signed the memo with the governor adding that he believes it is no longer necessary.
Previously he said he WOULD send them then he said he WOULDN’T and then President Trump broke his spineless resistance with one iron tweet!!!
You have to realize, if Brown was actually able to oppose Trump, he’d deny sending any troops. Yet he is sending 400 National Guard to fight the criminal cartels that flood the CA border. The liberal media claims the California troops will not enforce immigration law or help build the border wall. But the memo that forbade them from doing so was never signed.
Meaning, the National Guard will do whatever they’re ordered to do. That includes preventing illegals from entering the United States or offering a helping hand to build the wall.
Why do we even need the National Guard? Because, like it or not, Trump is starting the wall. The omnibus bill secured a huge amount of cash to the Pentagon. Much of it will be used to secure the border. But how will we be able to build the wall, if drug cartels and other scum attack our workers? Enter the National Guard.
I don’t think those coyotes will have much of a chance against trained, armed American soldiers. The presence of the National Guard will ensure that efforts to secure the border will go unhindered. A brilliant move by the President.
Brown’s troops don’t have to enforce immigration law in order to do what Trump wants. They will be there to prevent violence against our border agents and construction workers. So, Trump got what he wanted from Brown. Once again.