Pelosi Calls Trump’s Tax Cuts ‘Crumbs,’ So A Brave Student Stands Up And Unleashes The Truth
Free market capitalists believe that people should be free to engage in all forms of commerce, while being entitled to keep the fruits of their labor.
Liberals, on the other hand, have never seen a tax they didn’t like. The left, with their socialist policies, believe it’s the ultra rich and powerful who should rule over everyone else, while stealing the fruits of other’s labor.
The ultra rich and powerful are usually the socialists like Bernie Sanders. The Senator from Vermont has built his career by decrying income equality…even though he owns three homes.
Nancy Pelosi is another liberal hypocrite who can no longer base her decisions on reality after decades surrounded by sycophants and cash.
If Pelosi truly cared about income inequality, why doesn’t she give up her current status as the 15th richest member of Congress and donate some of her millions to those in need?
Surely a woman with a network of $28.35 million wouldn’t mind giving up a few crumbs to the working class, right?
But Pelosi never does this, and at a recent event at Georgetown University, one young man by the name of Sam told Pelosi right to her face exactly what he thought of her double standards.
“The student brought up the multiple times that the California Democrat referred to the GOP tax cuts as ‘crumbs’ for the middle class, saying:
‘As the son of small business owners, I know that it’s helped my parents hire more employees.
It’s helped us pay off our mortgage, helped put me through college.’
‘On a macroeconomic level, the economy’s growing, wages are rising for the first time in years,’ he continued.
‘Would you still refer to the effects of this tax plan on average Americans as crumbs?’”
The student’s question took 41 seconds for him to ask, but Pelosi took over seven minutes to answer, and when the answer did come it was full of lies and improbabilities.
Pelosi answered in part that:
“My statement was really a fuller statement that says while they provide a banquet to the top one percent, they are giving some crumbs to other people.”
When she talks about the one percent…does she realize she’s talking about herself?
In the minds of Democrats, if the rich benefit along with the rest of the economic tiers of earners, then that automatically makes a law bad.
But in reality, many Americans are extremely pleased with the tax cuts, especially working class America.
Trump’s massive wins at the economic level have riled up Democrats to no end; their policies and failures inevitably lead to economic ruin, and the world is waking up to it.
The video becomes nearly unwatchable as Pelosi also complains about Trump’s bill affecting the national debt, even though she never criticized Obama for raising it.
Poor Nancy just needs to accept that her mind isn’t what it used to be, and that it’s time to leave Congress, before she brings more harm to it and her own party.