Home Depot Founder Risks Entire Company With Shock Announcement – Trump’s DOING IT Anyway!

Home Depot Founder Risks Entire Company With Shock Announcement – Trump’s DOING IT Anyway!

Source: https://goo.gl/dZN4Yi
Major retailers around the nation have become battlegrounds for political correctness, using their businesses as soapboxes to make social statements. In a time when online business has disrupted the retail market and big box stores are diminishing by the dozen, it doesn’t seem wise to polarize your customer base with a divisive stance.

Home Depot’s number one competition, Lowe’s, has proven to stay true to their core values and the American people, especially our nation’s heroes and their families. Meanwhile, their counterpart has received some pretty bad press over the past two to three years regarding an apparent disrespect for the military. Most of this seemed to occur at the store level and not a decision condoned or approved by the corporation especially since the CEO of the home improvement giant is a major Trump supporter, a fact the founder has not been shy about.

Now the man responsible for the fate of his retail business has just risked his entire company in making a sudden shock announcement.

Prior to today, when Trump was campaigning to be president, Home Depot founder Ken Langone told CNBC that if he pulls off a win, he could go down as “one of our greatest presidents ever.” It was a sentiment in which the majority of Americans proved to agree with having voted him into office. Now, we’re seeing his support for our president in an even bigger way and more importantly, Langone’s commitment to make America great again in a special way that has left military families in America in total shock.

Trending: BREAKING: They’re All Flipping On McCabe & Comey

What many American businesses, sports figures, and celebrities get routinely wrong is that they make political statements in vain to say they are against division, when they are really being an anti-American and perpetuating the problem. This often includes using their platform to publicly trash our president. Home Depot knows that while they may offend “some” people, they are promoting something better with their patriotism that we as a country can and should all get behind.

In this recent move, they are showing their appreciation in a big way for the men and women who fight for our freedom and right to make any social statement we want.

Fox Business reports:

The Home Depot Foundation, a leadership arm for the company founded by Bernie Marcus, Arthur Blank and with the help of Ken Langone, hammered down on its pledge to closing the gap among skilled laborers in America.

It announced Thursday it would commit $50 million to train 20,000 tradespeople over the next 10 years, starting with separating military members and veterans, at-risk youth and members of the Atlanta Westside community, in an effort to reduce the number of unfilled construction sector jobs in the U.S. Currently, there are 158,000 unfilled jobs in the sector, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which projects the total employment number of construction laborers to increase 10.5% by 2026. As FOX Business reported, many six-figure jobs in the sector are going unfilled.

“We want to bring shop class back, from coast-to-coast,” Shannon Gerber, executive director of The Home Depot Foundation, said in a statement. “We’re thrilled to train 20,000 next-generation plumbers, electricians, carpenters and beyond. It’s a true honor to welcome our first classes of separating soldiers as they transition to civilian life and into successful careers in the trades.”

To those who don’t value the sacrifice of our service members or recognize that these heroes are the backbone of our country, they probably think this is somehow unfair. They are probably also the same disgruntled people who left Lowe’s in boycott and took their business to Home Depot after Lowe’s proudly pulled their ads from appearing in the commercial spots during the All American Muslim show on the TLC network. Now, disgruntled anti-American shoppers will have nowhere to go, realizing that their message isn’t appreciated anywhere.

Just as Lowe’s probably lost far fewer customers than they gained from that move, Home Depot probably won’t miss them either. Business is booming for those who choose to respect our country and the values this nation was built on, which is how it should be. The same can’t be said for companies who continue to cater to the liberal agenda.

The country needs to see more of this and likely will within the next four years under President Donald Trump’s leadership. He constantly praises our military which is how it always should be.

American businesses should look at what Home Depot does for our military members and how they treat them and follow their lead. It’s beyond time for this to be the trend as opposed to who can make a bigger anti-American social justice statement. Well done, Home Depot!

Comey Casts Serious Doubts on CNN Story, But Jake Tapper Will Still Get Journalism Award for It

Comey Casts Serious Doubts on CNN Story, But Jake Tapper Will Still Get Journalism Award for It

Source: https://goo.gl/ekF7Kp
On the eve of their annual blowout dinner – which President Donald Trump will again skip – the White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) stands poised to give four reporters from CNN an award for a January 2017 story – the veracity of which is challenged by former FBI Director James Comey’s recent remarks.

Published eight days before President-elect Trump took office in January 2017, CNN’s “Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him,” reported that Comey, along with then-Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers, briefed Trump and then-President Barack Obama on “dirt” Russian intelligence allegedly collected on Trump.

The article, by CNN host Jake Tapper and co-workers Evan Perez, Jim Sciutto, and Carl Bernstein, is now up for the WHCA’s Merriman Smith Award. It makes a series of specific claims, among them: “The allegations were presented in a two-page synopsis that was appended to a report on Russian interference in the 2016 election.”

This claim in particular was called into question Thursday when Comey explicitly denied he presented any such two-page summary and said that the briefing was spoken only. “CNNreported a time that you handed two-page executive summary of the dossier over to him,” Baier asked Comey, to which he said, “I did not.”

Comey did not entirely rule out the existence of a two-page summary, but it was clear he did not present one to the president-elect.

“The dossier” referred to what is now publicly known to be the still unverified work of former British spy Christopher Steele, working in the pay of the Democratic National Committee for Fusion GPS. Among other things, it alleges Donald Trump engaged in bizarre urological acts with prostitutes in Moscow.

This dossier, as we now know from the so-called “Nunes memo,” was used to secure a FISA warrant against Trump-associate Carter Page and appears to have been a central data point in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “Russia investigation.” The Nunes Memo also shows the FBI knew who was funding the dossier at the time, but Comey still claimed Thursday to be unsure of the DNC’s involvement.

In January 2017, CNN characterized the dossier as follows: “The allegations came, in part, from memos compiled by a former British intelligence operative, whose past work US intelligence officials consider credible.”
Apart from its use by the FBI, the dossier was used in this very CNN article as a foundational text of what became the media’s “collusion” narrative over the next year. Tapper, et al. wrote:

These senior intelligence officials also included the synopsis to demonstrate that Russia had compiled information potentially harmful to both political parties, but only released information damaging to Hillary Clinton and Democrats.

The two-page synopsis also included allegations that there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government, according to two national security officials.

Comey’s characterization Thursday of the Trump briefing also differed from CNN’s in several other respects. By his accounts, Comey alone briefed the president elect, at Clapper’s request – not as a group, as CNN suggests – and claims he was only present as Clapper briefed Obama. He again makes no mention of a two-page summary.

Despite these revelations, the WHCA judges characterizes Tapper, Perez, Bernstein, and Sciutto’s reporting as follows:

These four journalists and a number of other CNN reporters broke the story that the intelligence community had briefed President Barack Obama and then-President elect Donald Trump that Russia had compromising information about Trump. The CNN team later reported that then-FBI Director James Comey personally briefed Trump about the dossier. Thanks to this CNN investigation, “the dossier” is now part of the lexicon. The depth of reporting demonstrated in these remarkable and important pieces, and the constant updates as new information continued to be uncovered showed breaking news reporting at its best.

Comey’s role, if any, in this now-award winning reporting, has been the subject of intense speculation since the release of Comey’s contemporaneous memos. “I said to president-elect Trump media like CNN had [the dossier] and were looking for a news hook. I said it was inflammatory stuff,” Comey wrote days before the article, on January 7, 2017.

Comey denied he had anything to do with the leak and that neither Clapper nor Brennan did to his knowledge. “I don’t know who leaked it. I had no part in leaking any of it,” Comey told Baier when pressed Thursday.

Look Who Was Forced to Apologize and Admit She is a LIAR!

Look Who Was Forced to Apologize and Admit She is a LIAR!

Source: https://goo.gl/smLWgW
Let’s face it…

Liberals are hypocrites.
They say they’re all about “women” and then Hollywood men treat females like slabs of meat.

Liberals claim that are “loving,” yet, if you disagree with their politics, they will trash and bully you.

Progressives like Joy Reid claim to “love gays,” yet, she is the author of a slew of vile anti-gay blogs posts.

This is why liberalism is failing and has become a “fringe” ideology…it’s based on hate and lies.

And speaking of lies…..MSNBC host Joy Reid had to admit she is a massive liar, and she couldn’t even do that properly.
The host says she doesn’t think she wrote the posts, but admits they don’t seem to have been hacked.

On Saturday morning, five days after Joy Reid was accused of authoring a series of homophobic blog posts that were unearthed by a Twitter user, the MSNBC host apologized for the controversy, but said that she still doesn’t think she wrote the posts in question.

“Here’s what I know: I genuinely do not believe I wrote those hateful things,” she said on AM Joy. “But I can definitely understand, based on things I have said and have written in the past, that some people don’t believe me.”

On Monday, when Mediaite asked Reid about the blog posts, she said, “An unknown, external party accessed and manipulated material from my now-defunct blog.” On Wednesday night, her lawyer confirmed that the FBI was investigating “potential criminal activities surrounding several online accounts” belonging to Reid.But, on Saturday, Reid admitted that the posts don’t appear to have been the result of hacking or tampering.

“When a friend found them in December and sent them to me, I was stunned,” she said. “Frankly, I couldn’t imagine where they’d come from or whose voice this was. The reality is they have not been able to prove it.”

To further get across the message, Reid convened a panel of gay-rights advocates to discuss the controversy.

While she didn’t take credit for the blog posts, she admitted that she’s written and tweeted hurtful, anti-gay things in the past, and she pledged to do better. “I looked back on some of the ways I’ve talked casually about sexual gender and orientation, and I wonder who that even was,” she said.

Reid continued: “I’m heartbroken that I didn’t do better back then. The reality is I have to own the things I’ve written and tweeted and said.”

Now that Reid has admitted that she doesn’t appear to have been hacked, it’s unclear what will happen to the FBI investigation into the matter.

BREAKING Obama Intel Chief LIED and Leaked Classified Information To CNN – Was Rewarded With Huge Pa

BREAKING Obama Intel Chief LIED and Leaked Classified Information To CNN – Was Rewarded With Huge Payday!

Source: https://goo.gl/2Mrtaj
Former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) turned CNN commentator James Clapper not only leaked information related to the infamous “Steele dossier” to CNN’s Jake Tapper while Clapper was in office – it appears he also lied about it to Congress, under oath. It seems the truth is a real problem for these people and they truly do not comprehend exactly what taking an oath entails.

By definition, an OATH can mean three different things. It can be a ritualistic declaration, typically based on an appeal to God or to some person or object of particular reverence that one will speak the truth, keep a promise, or remain faithful. There is also a ritual form of an oath used in making such a declaration or a thing promised in such a way in an effort to convey the seriousness of such a promise. It can also be an irreverent or profane use of the name of God or of a sacred thing to express anger or emphasize a statement. Apparently, Clapper understands the third definition only and the meaning of the word integrity not at all.
Clapper was one of the “two national security officials” cited in CNN’s report. A report that was published just mere minutes after Buzzfeed released the full Steele dossier in all its salacious glory.
The Federalist’s Sean Davis states the revelation that Clapper was responsible for leaking details of both the dossier and briefings to two presidents on the matter is significant, because former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director James Comey wrote in one of four memos that he leaked that the briefing of President Trump on the salacious and unverified allegations from the dossier was necessary because “CNN had them and were looking for a news hook.”

So Comey said that President Trump needed to be briefed on the Dossier’s allegations since CNN “had them”…because James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence at the time, provided that information to the same network he now works for.

And just whose idea was it to brief President Trump on the dossier? JAMES CLAPPER

According to Comey’s memos – “I said there was something that Clapper wanted me to speak to the [President-elect] about alone or in a very small group,” Comey wrote.

The revelations detailing Clapper’s leak to CNN can be found in a 253-page report by the House Intelligence Committee majority released on Friday – which also found “no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded, coordinated, or conspired with the Russian government.”

The Federalist’s Sean Davis notes that the revelations about former DNI James Clapper were made in a new 253-page report from the House Intelligence Committee.

“Clapper flatly denied ‘discussing[ing] the dossier or any other intelligence related to Russia hacking of the 2016 election with journalists,’” the committee found. Clapper also explicitly told Congress that he had never discussed the dossier with any journalists. As Davis notes, Clapper later changed his story when his lies were discovered and he was confronted about his communications with Tapper.

“Clapper subsequently acknowledged discussing the ‘dossier with CNN journalist Jake Tapper,’ and admitted that he might have spoken with other journalists about the same topic,” the report states. “Clapper’s discussion with Tapper took place in early January 2017, around the time IC leaders briefed President Obama and President-elect Trump, on ‘the Christopher Steele information,’ a two-page summary of which was ‘enclosed in’ the highly-classified version of the ICA.”
The revelation is significant because former FBI Director James Comey wrote in his memos that when he met with President Donald Trump, before CNN and BuzzFeed published stories on the salacious and still unproven allegations contained in the dossier, he told the president that “CNN had [the dossier] and [was] looking for a news hook.”

The congressional report on Russian interference noted that it was this very briefing of Trump that multiple media organizations used as an excuse to publish the unverified dossier.

The House Intelligence Committee’s report on Russian meddling explained that it was that meeting that Comey had with Trump that the media used as their hook to publish the dossier:

Trump Fan In Texas Stands Up To MSM’s BIG Lie, Buys Billboard To Set Record Straight!

Trump Fan In Texas Stands Up To MSM’s BIG Lie, Buys Billboard To Set Record Straight!

Source: https://goo.gl/i7GRKi
The way free speech and capitalism works in America is that anyone willing to pay top dollar for a sign can do so and apparently make it say whatever they want to get their point across. This seems to be the case a lot lately with Muslims in Florida putting their billboard up to mock our president and push Islam on innocent passersby. However, a new trend in signage from private citizens is starting to emerge, as seen in Indiana and now in the great state of Texas. When certain drivers see what it says, it’s only a matter of time before a civil war erupts.

A war of words has started with a number of signs popping up across the country from different people with very different opinions that are raising tensions and potential cases of road rage among Muslims and liberals. It’s fair to say that the latest sign in the San Antonio area has “trumped” them all with the specific message it portrays that someone needed to say and we can thank Kyle Courtney for being bold enough to do so.

It doesn’t take much to rile up the volatile left which is why they’re likely to go to war over a few words on a billboard. If they can’t stand the heat, then maybe they shouldn’t have supported Muslims’ rights to put up signs that push Islam in America where it doesn’t belong. Two can play at that game and Courtney just proved that with his well-played, pro-Trump billboard with a big conservative message that’s infuriating liberals.

SAcurrent reports:

Trending: BREAKING: They’re All Flipping On McCabe & Comey

Boerne resident Kyle Courtney apparently has some beef with ABC News and how they’ve reported on President Donald Trump. So much beef that he bought a large billboard ad to make public his fed-upness, reading: I grew up with you. We are through. The Russians didn’t elect Donald Trump. I did.
The billboard is located on I-10 and Buckskin Drive and, as reported by News4SA, will be up for about two months.

While there were a lot of people who appreciated the sentiment Courtney shared in the conservative state, there were some leftist detractors who didn’t like what he had to say. Courtney elaborated more on what drove him to make this message in a statement made to News 4 San Antonio:

“ABC News was the only channel I watched as a child growing up in Texas but I think they have lost touch with America and forgotten the working man. They don’t represent our voice anymore. Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign was funded by the Clinton Foundation in close coordination with the media, and now we’re seeing them try to fix what they couldn’t fix during the election. They are doing everything they can, night after night, to create narratives and sway people’s direction to impeach Donald Trump. Our democracy is at stake when a major political party and the media are in bed together. I’m not asking anyone to boycott the Democratic party. I’m not in the brainwashing business, but the liberal media is.”

Courtney paid for the sign himself and a spokesman for his great American company, Wellstar Groundwater Technologies, told the news station that the billboard will be up for about two months. He may keep the sign up longer and switch the message to something new if he decides to do so, which we think would be a great idea.

People need to see what he has to say to counter all the backhanded claims the mainstream media makes. We the People are fed-up with the divisive and irresponsible rhetoric being fed to citizens in this great nation aimed to discredit our president. It’s these kinds of messages that the media is pushing that’s driving liberals over the edge to do crazy things like we saw at the Congressional baseball practice. Trump isn’t going anywhere so the media needs to just get on board and accept that, or continue to see a decline of their ratings and reputation.

The message that people aren’t buying what the mainstream media is pushing on them anymore has never been more clear than it is now with these counter billboards popping up all over the country. Another sign that recently appeared in Indiana effectively defeated Democrat and Muslim’s lies about Islam.

Freedom Daily previously reported about a truth jab made at Muslim’s prophet Mohammed being the Perfect Man:

Not beating around the bush about the true meaning of Islam, the billboard crafted by the group “Truthophobes” hilariously mocks their prophet Mohammed as “The Perfect Man” where the gigantic billboard then lists out six truth-filled bullet points to describe him. The bullets include: “Married a 6-year-old,” “Slave owner & dealer,” “rapist,” “Beheaded 600 Jews in one day,” “13 wives, 11 at one time” and “Tortured & killed unbelievers.”

Local Muslims instantly got their man dresses and burkas in a collective wad, predictably screaming that the creator of the billboard was a “bigot.”