BREAKING News Out Of California… Horse Trailer Flips On Freeway… LOOK WHAT THEY FOUND INSIDE!!!

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BREAKING News Out Of California… Horse Trailer Flips On Freeway… LOOK WHAT THEY FOUND INSIDE!!!

A pickup truck pulling a horse trailer crashed in Southern California on Saturday but thankfully no horses were injured.

That’s because there were NO horses in the trailer. It was filled with ILLEGAL ALIENS!

The crash unfolded on Interstate 8 near Campo, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

Fox News reports that the Ford F-250 and the trailer that it was pulling got separated while driving and the haul toppled over, the outlet reported, citing the California Highway Patrol (CHP). After the trailer spilled onto the road, several ILLEGALS ran from the scene before they were found, officials said.

As many as 20 people were inside the trailer and up to 18 received treatment, Cal Fire Battalion Chief Kurt Zingheim said.
Six people were sent to the hospital for medical treatment, The Union-Tribune said, while others received treatment on location and reportedly were arrested.

So who’s going to pay for these medical costs? Mexico? Hell no.

The identity of the driver wasn’t known, Border Patrol told the outlet, and they didn’t immediately know if the individual was in custody.


Trump Advisor Navarro Destroys ‘Sleepy Eyes’ Chuck Todd In Brutal Fashion

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VIDEO Trump Advisor Navarro Destroys ‘Sleepy Eyes’ Chuck Todd In Brutal Fashion

“Sleepy eyes” Chuck Todd was at it again on Sunday, using his platform on “Meet The Press” to attack President Donald Trump and his White House staff. Toward the end of his interview with White House trade advisor Peter Navarro, Todd mentioned a Washington Post story that said Chief of Staff John Kelly was considering quitting and asked for a comment. Big Mistake.

Chuck Todd blindsided Peter Navarro, who was on the show to discuss the trade war with China that is developing. Todd read an excerpt from the Post story that said, “Kelly has threatened to resign on multiple occasions — ‘It’s sort of a weekly event,’ one senior White House official quipped — though officials explained his declarations as expressions of momentary frustration.”

Todd followed that by asking “Have you heard of John Kelly threatening to resign Mr. Navarro and can you say whether the president still has confidence in him?” If Todd thought that he was going to shake Navarro, he was gravely mistaken. The advisor shot back with the brutal truth.
“Every day of his adult life, John Kelly’s gotten up in the morning to serve America,” Navarro said. “He’s a great man, a courageous man. He serves the President, he has the President’s ear, he runs the West Wing well. That’s all I know, that’s all I see.”

“He has the confidence of the president,” Navarro said. “He’s getting the job done, and when you read stuff in the Washington Post, frankly, that’s fake news most of the time.” That comment ruffled the feathers of Todd who got visibly angry and fired back at Navarro.

“I think that expression is a pretty unfair thing to say about a major news organization,” Todd said. “That’s a cheap shot.” Todd tried to cut it off there, but Navarro was not about to be bullied by “sleepy eyes” Todd.

“Mr. Todd that is not a cheap shot,” Navarro fired back. “Because if you look at the newspapers that I read every day across the spectrum, the Washington Post, in my judgment, tends to attack the President more than any other newspaper in its news stories. You can do anything you want in your editorials, sir, but you cannot do that in your news stories.”
Desperate, Chuck Todd found a way to bring Russia into the conversation to help defend his position. “The term fake news is not exactly a way to hold up the First Amendment, especially when the Russian government, just this morning, is using that phrase,” Todd said.

The news that Chuck Todd was talking about was the Russian government claiming that reports of a chemical attack by the Syrian government on the people in eastern Ghouta that killed 35 people were “fake news.” But President Donald Trump, who Democrats love to claim is in bed with the Russians, smashed Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday and vowed that there would be a “big price” to pay for the attack.

“Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian Army, making it completely inaccessible to outside world. President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price…” Trump tweeted.

President Donald Trump went on to blame former President Barack Obama for not doing anything the first time that Syria crossed, what he called, a red line and used chemical weapons on its people. “If President Obama had crossed his stated Red Line In The Sand, the Syrian disaster would have ended long ago! Animal Assad would have been history!” Trump wrote.

This marks the harshest criticism that the president has had for Putin since taking office. But the question is, will the mainstream media report it? If they do, it will ruin their narrative that President Trump refuses to criticize Putin, but if they don’t, they would miss a major story, and that would make them the “fake news” that the president says they are.

Trump Tweets ‘Sealing Border,’ Mattis and Nielsen Send Troops, Sessions Prosecutes

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Trump Tweets ‘Sealing Border,’ Mattis and Nielsen Send Troops, Sessions Prosecutes

WASHINGTON, DC – Defense Secretary James Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen announced in a joint statement on Friday that the first 500 troops are moving to the U.S.-Mexican border after Attorney General Jeff Sessions declared “zero tolerance” for illegal crossings, followed on Saturday by a tweet from President Trump making clear that these actions are part of an interagency response to seal the border.

“We are sealing up our Southern Border,” President Trump tweeted on Saturday afternoon. “The people of our great country want Safety and Security. The Dem[ocrats] have been a disaster on this very important issue.”
Mattis signed an order that could deploy up to 4,000 National Guardsmen to America’s southern border. The first 500 troops deployed this weekend.

He and Nielsen then issued a joint statement on the operation, showcasing that this is an interdepartmental operation.
“Tonight, National Guard troops are deploying to support border security missions along the U.S. southwest border,” Mattis and Nielsen begin. The secretaries add that they “are committed to using every lever of power to support the men and women of law enforcement defending our nation’s sovereignty and protecting the American people.”

This comes on the heels of Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ issuing a memorandum to U.S. attorneys in federal districts on the southern border, ordering a zero-tolerance policy for illegal border crossers. Sessions ordered that the Department of Justice will prosecute illegal border crossings, which are a crime under 8 U.S.C. § 1325(a).

Sessions’ memo this week highlights, “Congress has failed to pass effective legislation that serves the national interest—that closes dangerous loopholes and fully funds a wall along our southern border.”

These actions show what the president can do under existing law without Congress. Section 3 of a presidential memorandum President Trump signed on April 4 ordered the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, and Justice to coordinate the details to promptly deploy National Guard troops to the border.

As former Secretary Ken Blackwell opined last week, these actions show President Trump using the full range of resources at his disposal to tackle illegal immigration and secure the border, revealing a “unified Trump policy.” Less than a week later, troops are on the move.

WTH Dem Lawmaker Condemns ICE For Arresting 15 Time CRIMINAL ILLEGAL

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WTH Dem Lawmaker Condemns ICE For Arresting 15 Time CRIMINAL ILLEGAL

A Democrat lawmaker sharply criticized ICE, after they arrested an illegal alien outside of a courthouse.

Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez attacked the federal immigration agency for going after the illegal, who had been arrested 15 times before, on charges ranging from domestic violence to robbery.
The congressman vowed to “monitor” the situation as if ICE are the bad guys.

Democratic Congresswoman Nydia Velasquez tweeted her admonishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents for nabbing an illegal alien outside a Brooklyn Criminal Court house. But, she neglected to mention that the illegal alien had been arrested 15 times since 2005.

“Extremely concerning to hear that ICE agents targeted an undocumented immigrant just outside Brooklyn Criminal Court this morning. Such actions by ICE have no place in our City & I will be monitoring the situation carefully,” Rep Velasquez commented.
The illegal alien in question, Diogenes Pinzon, was in court challenging a domestic violence case. His girlfriend alleged that Pinzon had threatened and robbed her on May 25, 2017. Once the hearing was over, under cover ICE agents promptly arrested the illegal alien. He has also been arrested 14 previous times. It is unclear if he has ever actually been deported.

According to the New York Daily News, this arrest led to a protest of around 50 attorneys.
But, since a January 10th 2018 directive, ICE has made the practice of arresting illegal aliens in court houses quite common. ICE says the practice reduces risk to officers. It is also necessary to arrest illegal aliens at court houses because communities, such as Rep. Velasquez’s district, often make it very difficult for illegal immigrants to be apprehended elsewhere.

By all accounts, Congressman Velasquez has resisted any cooperation with ICE and has criticized any efforts to identify illegal aliens. In 2017, she sponsored a bill banning ICE agents from using the word “police” on their body because it could confuse non-english speaking residents. Most recently, she claimed that the Commerce Department decision to reinstate the 2020 census citizenship question was a “racist attempt to make America white.”

Can’t Stop Him – Trump Surprised Every Angry Lib In America With What He’s Doing Today !

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Can’t Stop Him – Trump Surprised Every Angry Lib In America With What He’s Doing Today !

During President Trump’s campaign, he promised Americans that he would begin construction on a “big beautiful wall” to keep a flood of illegals out of our country. Of course, the left started to throw one heck of a temper tantrum over the last year, doing their best to stop the construction of the wall claiming that it was racist and bigoted. So, for the last several months these liberal politicians have stood in the way of Trump securing our borders by blocking any potential budgets that would be used to build a southern wall, but that has not stopped our president.

Now, today despite the left’s objections and constant annoying protests, Trump announced that construction would begin on the wall which has angered liberals across the nation.

Over this past weekend, there was a lot of commotion between the gun-grabbers protesting for stricter gun laws and liberal politicians pushing back against President Trump and his plans to secure our nation’s borders. Despite all the chaos and negative publicity, Trump kept his eye on the prize announcing that this week would be the week that construction on the wall would finally begin, and it is about time.

Now, last week it seemed that the dream for our southern border to be secured was not about to happen, but Trump is a man of his word. On Friday, President Trump tweeted that construction of his promised southern border wall would start “immediately” after signing the omnibus spending bill, which included $1.6 billion in funding for the wall.
“We’re going to be starting work literally on Monday,” President Trump said during a weekend event at the White House. “We have a lot of money coming to the border.”

Now what really shocked libs is when Trump tweeted that he will use funds just allocated for the military to build the wall. Trump said that since the wall is part of national defense, that part of the over $700 billion in funding for the military that was in the omnibus bill will be used for the wall. Trump will pull the $18-25 billion for the wall from military funds!
Fox News reported:

‘President Trump hinted over the weekend that newly-approved funding for the military could be used for building the wall along the Mexican border. White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley said Monday he did not want to comment, citing a possible future announcement by the president on allocating the money.’

Genius!!!! Libs will Freak when they realize Trump pulled the rug out from under them & got ALL the money for the wall despite their best efforts to thwart him!!!

Here is more from The Western Journal:

“Despite receiving only a small fraction of the $25 billion he wanted for construction of a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico, President Donald Trump recently announced the project will begin within days.

During a hastily coordinated news conference Friday, he confirmed his intention to support a $1.3 trillion omnibus bill funding the nation’s government until September — despite the fact that it included just $1.6 billion for border fencing and repair.

As the Washington Examiner reported, Trump said work on the wall would begin “literally on Monday,” adding that there will be “a lot of money coming to the border.”

The decision to support the spending legislation followed a period of vacillation on the issue. After the White House expressed Trump’s intention to sign the bill earlier in the week, he tweeted Friday morning — just hours before a federal government shutdown was set to go into effect — that he was considering a presidential veto.

If one thing is for sure, President Trump is a man of his word, and if he says that a wall will begin to be built, it will be created. The left, of course, will continue to stand in the way and do what they can to stop it since they know that once the construction of this wall begins they will lose voters for the next election which is why the left is throwing such a temper tantrum.