Six Myths About the Legendary AR 15

Six Myths About the Legendary AR-15

The AR-15 is a legendary American firearm that has become steeped in myth while being maligned by leftists eager to blame the rifle, rather than the criminal who uses it.

In the following we dispel six of the more prominent myths surrounding the AR-15.

Myth #1: “AR” Stands for “Assault Rifle”–One of the biggest myths perpetuated by gun controllers is that the “AR” in AR-15 stands for “assault rifle.” In fact, it stands for “Armalite Rifle,” and that is because Armalite was the company that manufactured the rifle, following its design by Eugene Stoner in the 1950s.

Myth #2: AR-15s Are Not for Hunting–This is a popular line among proponents of “assault weapons” bans. As Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) said verbatim just days after the Parkland school shooting, “I have hunted all my life. I still hunt with my son. But an AR-15 is not for hunting, it’s for killing.” Nelson’s position is countered by the fact hunting with AR-15s has become so popular that Time magazine ran a column on AR-15 hunters. Moreover, ATF Associate Deputy Director Ronald Turk says AR-15s are so popular for hunting that the ATF should review older studies on the rifle and bring them up to speed.

Myth #3: AR-15s Are Not Good for Self-Defense–AR-15s are a great rifle for self-defense and home defense, and this is particularly so if they have collapsible or adjustable stocks, which make for a shorter throw as you swing the gun up on target while moving through your home. Simple optics with which the gun’s owner is familiar only increase the rifle’s usefulness for self-defense. On March 28, 2017, Breitbart News reported that an Oklahoma homeowner’s son used an AR-15 for self-defense, killing three home intruders. On November 5, 2017, Stephen Willeford grabbed his AR-15 and ran toward the Sutherland Springs, Texas, church shooter. Upon arriving he shot the shooter, forcing him to flee the scene. On February 27, 2018, Breitbart News reported that Dave Thomas witnessed his neighbor under knife attack, retrieved his AR-15 and ended the assault. Thomas said, “The AR-15 is my weapon of choice for home protection. It’s light, it’s maneuverable. If you train and know how to use it properly, it’s not dangerous. And this is just a perfect example of good guy with an AR-15 stopped a bad guy with a knife. And there were no lives taken, so all in all it was a good day.”

Myth #4: AR-15s Are “Weapons of War”–This myth, uttered again and again by Barack Obama, continues to be promulgated by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Chris Murphy (D-CT), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Democrats at large. The claim is a not-so-subtle suggestion that AR-15s are truly battlefield weapons, but they are not. The battlefield weapon is an M16 and it is fully automatic. This means it will fire an entire magazine full of bullets with one pull of the trigger, if the person using the gun keeps the trigger depressed. But an AR-15 is a semiautomatic gun, which means it only fires one round per trigger pull, period.
Myth #5: AR-15s Are “Killing Machines”–This particular myth goes deeper that it may first appear. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) is one of many Democrats who describe AR-15s as “killing machines.” Moreover, he claims the guns were “intentionally designed to kill as many people as efficiently as possible.” The image created by both claims is that the AR-15 some heretofore unknown rapidity of fire capability. But in reality, it is just a semi-automatic rifle that fires one round every time the trigger is pulled, just like a Glock, Heckler & Koch, Kimber, Sig Sauer, or Smith & Wesson pistol. Because of this, Murphy’s claims are a slippery slope which use a ban on AR-15s to open the door to a ban on all semi-automatic firearms; rifles and pistols alike.

Myth #6: AR-15s Are the “Weapon of Choice” for Mass Public Attackers–The “weapon of choice” claim is ubiquitous on the left. In the days after Parkland shooting it was made by Rolling Stone, ABC News, and Think Progress, and other publications. But one only has to glance at the weapons used in our nation’s most prominent mass public attacks to recognize this claim as a myth:

Great Mills High School attack (March 20, 2018) – Handgun
Parkland School attack (February 14, 2018) – AR-15
Marshall County High School attack (January 23, 2018) – Shotgun
Texas church attack (November 5, 2017) – AR-15
Las Vegas attack (October 1, 2017) – AR-15
the Alexandria attack (June 14, 2017) – Handgun
Orlando attack (June 12, 2016) – AR-15, handgun
the UCLA gunman (June 1, 2016) – Handgun

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#QAnon Portends a Most Calamitous End to the Myth of St. Obama and More on Epstein the Monster

They think you’re nuts. A loon. That Q’s some make believe conspiracy theory whose fixation on lost kids is based on antisemitic hate. I quote again this passage. I hope you’re sitting down.

“Some elements of the QAnon conspiracy theory — secret elites, kidnapped children — are classic, even archetypical. ‘In all Western culture, you can argue that all conspiracy theories, no matter how diverse, come from the idea of the Jews abducting children,’ Chip Berlet . . . told me. Stories about globalists stealing children for sex aren’t that far removed from stories about Jews stealing children to use their blood making matzo.”

Beware of Backpage trap.

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Michelle Obama Mocks Trump My Husband Was the ‘Good Parent’

Michelle Obama Mocks Trump: My Husband Was the ‘Good Parent’

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Speaking at the Simmons Leadership Conference in Boston, former First Lady Michelle Obama said that compared to President Trump, her husband was “the good parent.”

My husband, Barack Obama, was “like having the ‘good parent’ at home,” the former first lady said. “The responsible parent, the one who told you to eat your carrots and go to bed on time,” she added.

Referring to Trump, she went on, “And now we have the other parent. We thought it’d feel fun — maybe it feels fun for now because we can eat candy all day and stay up late and not follow the rules.”

Obama also reiterated that she has no desire to run for president in 2020.

“I think people should be less … disheartened that me and Oprah don’t want to run, and more disheartened by the fact that Hillary Clinton, probably the most qualified person to ever seek the office of the presidency, lost. She lost. The reason why I don’t want to run for president — I can’t speak for Oprah, but my sense is that first of all, you have to want the job,” she said.
“And you can’t just say, ‘You’re a woman. Run.’ And we can’t look for women like that. We can’t just say ‘let’s find the women we like and ask them to do it,’ because there are a million women who are inclined and who do have the passion for politics,” she added.

Of Hillary Clinton, Obama admitted that “She wasn’t perfect, but she was way more perfect than many of the alternatives.”

The moderator did not ask any follow up questions. For that reason, we may never know how Obama believes her husband asked us to “eat our vegetables” while he was doubling the national debt — basically creating more debt than all 43 of his predecessors combined, all in order to continue the countless government giveaways that future generations will have to pay for.

Well, Well, Well… Google and Hillary Just Caught In a New Shocking Scandal Targeting Trump

Well, Well, Well… Google and Hillary Just Caught In a New Shocking Scandal Targeting Trump

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A senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology is now claiming that Google did, in fact, favor positive results in searches for Hillary Clinton above those of President Trump. Both now and during the 2016 campaign.

Robert Epstein continued his Breitbart Town Hall lecture by explaining the intricate power of tech companies when it comes to elections and the way they use the trust people put in them to influence voters.

He added that he had been studying the phenomenon of people changing their minds during elections just by how internet search engines manipulate their searches for more than 5 years with what he referred to as ‘Controlled Experiments” around the world during national elections using tens of thousands of people who voted.
Epstein explained: “Epstein discussed his work surrounding the power of tech companies on elections and their influence on voters saying, “I have been studying for more than five years with controlled experiments around the world, four national elections, tens of thousands of people. I’ve been studying exactly how many votes or opinions Google can change, Google can shift, just by them manipulating those search results when we type in a search term and they give us a list.”

“It turns out that what’s at the top of the list,” said Epstein, “people believe is better and truer than what’s lower in the list, that’s why 50 percent of the clicks go to the top two items.” Epstein continued, “so it turns out we showed in our studies that if you favor one candidate in search results, so maybe higher ranked results make that candidate look better, you click on it, it takes you to a webpage that makes that candidate look really good, if you favor one candidate in search results among voters who are undecided you can easily shift at least 20 percent of them towards that candidate, up to 80 percent. And at least one demographic group that we found and the most vulnerable group that we’ve ever found in our five years of studies, is moderate Republicans.”

“You could’ve guessed that,” joked Ann Coulter. Alex Marlow interjected, “but luckily, since Google are the masters of the universe with their incredible amounts of power they decided to be entirely fair and keep the results equal for Trump and Hillary Clinton, correct?” Epstein paused before replying, “no… no, that was sarcasm right?”

Marlow said, “but this is something that in your research you looked at when you start typing into a Google search bar and you start typing ‘D-O-N-A-L’ it’ll give you some result probably Donald Trump-based, same thing for Hillary Clinton when you start typing names that should yield familiar search terms, the terms for Donald Trump were more negative, the terms for Hillary Clinton were more positive, is that what you found?”

“There’s two main things that we have found,” said Epstein. “We came up with a system, a monitoring system for monitoring search results on Google, Bing and Yahoo for nearly six months before the election in 2016. This story about our findings was broken by the Washington Post in early 2017 and here’s what we found. We found that Google’s search results favored Hillary Clinton in all ten positions of those search results on the first page for almost all of those six months leading up to the election. Now that’s enough to shift two to three million votes, at least, without anyone knowing that they have been manipulated.”

“Another thing, we followed up on a media report, it was kind of a hysterical media report by an organization named Sourcefed, they said ‘we just figured out that when you’re doing searches, you’re typing in search terms, you can’t get negatives for Hillary Clinton on Google. So eight people on my staff spent that summer of 2016, I published in the fall of that year, seeing if they could get negatives for Hillary Clinton.”
He followed up by stating that if you actually typed “Hillary Clinton is…..” on Bing or Yahoo you would get answers like. ‘Hillary Clinton is the devil’, ‘Hillary Clinton is sick’, Hillary Clinton is dying of cancer.’ You would literally get eight or ten extremely negative search results because that’s what people were, and had searched for in the recent past. But when you would go to Google the search suggestions looked a lot different. If you typed in the same phrase you would get suggestions such as ‘Hillary Clinton is awesome’, ‘Hillary Clinton is winning’, plus some positive information about her positions during the 2016 campaign.

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