Strange Experiments In Our Skies! [Flint Michigan] Why Now? 2018

Stunned Motorist Can’t Believe What They Just Captured On Video!
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Amazing History of the Ancient Elder Gods

“History of the Elder Gods” is the fourth volume within the continuing “Journals of the Ancient Ones” series, with each text written as a stand-alone book allowing them to be read in any order. This volume begins with the incomprehensible realm prior to the Big Bang event, leading to the genesis of our physical universe with the eventual formation of cosmic structures and the later emergence of simple life. Long before Earth’s formation, a primordial intelligent species eventually evolved and attained vast achievements and great enlightenment, becoming the most accomplished lifeform within the physical realm. That species ultimately formed a benefactor coalition with other unrelated but like-minded alien beings within other galaxies to spread civilization throughout the universe, eventually becoming known as the Ancient Ones. Their travels eventually brought them to our solar system where an emerging humanlike species was developing on a planet beyond Earth. Influences from both alien groups eventually spread to Earth, where they competed to implement very different directions for our planet, with their ancient rivalry apparently continuing into modern times. Consequences from these two very different groups of extraterrestrials are revealed within the author’s Elder Gods theory, which chronicles Earth’s early development and mankind’s emergence…from ancient aliens to modern UFOs. The now-hidden nature of these beings since the fifth century is exposed, with potentially ominous repercussions for humanity’s future.

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8:00pm ET. Gretchen Smith, Founder Code of Vets
8:30pm ET. Coach Dave Daubenmire, Host of Coach Dave Live
9:00pm ET. Pastor David Lankford

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