my 3rd channel(no video yet) will be my back up for the truthproject101 its going to be called 101truthproject: ok as many of you may have seen (or not wathever…) i have upload a tons of videos or documentary about the ANCIENTS ALIENS THEORY !!!! before you all say anything, i will explain my intent clearly !!! i am not a slave of any belief system exept …. the inconditionnal truth love respect and integrity !!!! wath i am going for in this channel is opening up your minds to all the aspects of this (monstruous conspiracy) some videos i upload is the truth… some are science or (paranormal) some are theory hidden history ufo s… some of you may be aware (or not ) of the project bluebeam…. many peoples have come up saying this is all a big part of the new world religion the illuminati have planned…. here it comes the stargate conspiracy!!! let me all know wath you think of it !! Neo: Why do my eyes hurt? Morpheus: You’ve never used them before. [Oo] /)__) -“– n♡ ☼
Tag: Stargate
World War III, Toxic Rain, Anubis, Planetary Alignment, Wormhole In The Gulf… What the…???
Saudi Arabia will allow Israel air space to strike Iran: North Korea threatens all out war… again: Anubis at Denver International Airport(please Google for much, much more info on DIA) Planetary Alignment: This video talks about the Obama/Morgan Freeman reference, but you should really spend some time watching this channel: Through The Wormhole: Is there A Creator Occult symbolism in Sherlock Holmes: Confused, angry, frustrated, concerned? Want to help and don’t know what you can do or how? Participate in the Oil Spill Project!
find out more about our research click on the links below. To make a tax-deductable contribution please call our office at the above telephone numbers. TruthBrigade.Com TruthBrigade.Org … dr doctor simeon hein phd institute for resonance remote viewing boulder psychic paranormal subtle energy science mind control technology project operation stargate nasa nsa office of naval intelligence research telekenesis joseph mc moneagle ingo swann russell targ ed dames truthbrigade radio christie …
find out more about our research click on the links below. To make a tax-deductable contribution please call our office at the above telephone numbers. TruthBrigade.Com TruthBrigade.Org … dr doctor simeon hein phd institute for resonance remote viewing boulder psychic paranormal subtle energy science mind control technology project operation stargate nasa nsa office of naval intelligence research telekenesis joseph mc moneagle ingo swann russell targ ed dames truthbrigade radio christie …
find out more about our research click on the links below. To make a tax-deductable contribution please call our office at the above telephone numbers. TruthBrigade.Com TruthBrigade.Org … dr doctor simeon hein phd institute for resonance remote viewing boulder psychic paranormal subtle energy science mind control technology project operation stargate nasa nsa office of naval intelligence research telekenesis joseph mc moneagle ingo swann russell targ ed dames truthbrigade radio christie …