Historian Discovers 36000 Year Old Ancient Navigation System Hidden in Plain Sight

Does this ancient spherical computer reveal the true nature of Time itself? The Celtic Cross is a machine to measure the wheels and cycles of Nature and the Heavens with which our ancestors once kept Time and invented the zodiacs. Time keeping and prediction resulted from its use and a deep understanding of spiritual values forgotten in our modern world. Misinterpretation and sometimes deliberate obscurity and ignorance by religious and scientific authorities has led to a distorted view in the historical perspective of our ancient past.

To measure is to Rule just like the instrument you used at School, learn what the Rulers kept secret for 2 millennia and how they understood and measured Time Temple means place of Time, understand in the Last Times at the end of The Age of Pisces the enormous implications behind the meaning of the cross and its true capabilities.

Jeff & Joe Imbriano – The Wicked Dangers Of 5G Frequencies

Please visit http://rense.com for news and information you’ll rarely see in the MSM! For free listening to Jeff’s live programs, go to http://www.renseradio.com/listenlive.htm This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 03-20-18 with Guest Joe Imbriano. Over 15,000 hours of programs with over 20,000 guests are available 24/7 in our Archives! Go here for easy, quick sign-up instructions http://www.renseradio.com/signup.htm

Jeff & Cliff Mickelson – Morgellons Nano Fibers And Nano Smart Dust

Please visit http://rense.com for news and information you’ll rarely see in the MSM! For free listening to Jeff’s live programs, go to http://www.renseradio.com/listenlive.htm This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 03-22-18 with Guest Cliff Mickelson. Over 15,000 hours of programs with over 20,000 guests are available 24/7 in our Archives! Go here for easy, quick sign-up instructions http://www.renseradio.com/signup.htm